In todays live event environment, not all attendees can make it to your event.   Or, you may have a large scale event that spans several venues.  In either scenario the answer is online delivery of your content.  We have the equipment and in depth knowledge to make your next web event presence a success.   Our founder was one of the pioneers in webcasting technology, and helped develop technologies still in use today which extend the capabilities and boundaries in a visionary way.  Our experience with webcasting includes integration with payment systems, secure password protected streams, indexing, closed captioning and event immersive virtual environments online.  

Current events with the novel Corona Virus “Covid-19” have made webcasting an immediate imperative to continue business communications.  The challenge we face is to continue to deliver events and online content, without the need for large groups of people to travel and gather in a single location.  We not only have the previous experience, but are pioneering ways to provide remote audience only events with the capability to also insert remote presenters and fully integrated playback systems, graphics, and even virtual reality into an online immersive experience you can provide to your remote attendees.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help deliver your message to your clients remotely without a physical event presence.